Sunday, February 24, 2013

Goodbye USA, Hello Chile


Getting ready for Chile was probably one of the most stressful and annoying things to do. Getting my VISA was a serious pain in my ass. I do have to say though, everything that I've done thus far to get me here has been 100% worth it.

My flights to Chile were surprisingly awesome. I met two really awesome guys, one on each flight. On my first flight this gentleman and I talked about life and he bought me drinks.On my second flight, I sat next to a sorta celebrity. He plays in a band for Romeo Santos, the lead singer of Aventura.

I knew that after my long flight and meeting these great people, it had set the mood for my adventure of a lifetime.  After sitting around the airport in Santiago, Chile for a few hour waiting for the other people on my trip then traveling for about an hour (not exactly sure how long it was cause I slept), I finally made it to Valparaiso to meet my wonderful host mom, Gilda.

At first I had an overwhelming feeling, I had gotten the tears of excitement and nervousness out and I was good to go. My mom drove me around the city so I could familiarize myself with it. Here are the main things I've observed about Chile so far:
  • The roads are bumpy as hell
  • Everyone talks to damn fast, I can barely understand. They also use a lot of slang and shorten words.
  • The city looks like it will be a lot of fun. There are lots of different bars and dance clubs.
  • There is a lot of graffiti everywhere.
Now I am hanging out with my new sister, Carolina and her friends. I'm attempting to understand them, it's almost impossible.

I'll have more for you guys later though, don't you worry!


DISCLAIMER: I'm lazy and hate to reread. I'm going to apologize a head of time for any grammar or spelling mistakes. I'll try to clean it up for you though!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Sarah!
    Yes, it's me, your old music teacher! I found out about your blog because your Mom posted on Facebook.

    I'm really interested in your trip to Chile! It's nice that you have a host family! It sounds like quite an adjustment to life there. But, in the end, you will have experienced a lot and your life will be richer for that! When I was 16, I lived with a host family in Japan for one summer. My group of 9 was the first to ever go to Japan through AFS. I have never forgotten it and you won't forget yours, either!

    Hang in there and take it one day at a time!
    Mrs. Rexford
